This website is primarily protesting against the proposed closure of the Jesmond cycleway at the northern interchange, because this is the issue that is the most egregious, obvious, and easily communicated.
Its worth noting however that the other major interchanges on this bypass link do little or nothing in regards to cyclist and pedestrian welfare.
Southern interchange
At the southern interchange (where McCaffrey Drive joins Lookout Rd) there is no consideration of cyclists who are travelling north or south along the bypass. Cyclists are expected to ride in the breakdown lane alongside cars and trucks travelling at 90 to 100 kmh, while crossing the busy dual lane entry and exit roads for Lookout Road.
Hospital interchange
At the middle interchange, connecting to the John Hunter hospital, the pedestrian/cycle path from the hospital westwards down to Elermore Vale is retained, and people will be able to cross the bypass over a bridge, BUT just prior to the bridge they will have to cross the southbound exit ramp where there will be no traffic signals, and where motor traffic will be approaching them on a rise, on a curve, and transitioning from a 90kmh speed zone.
One minor redeeming point of this plan, is that when an accident does eventually occur, at least there will be a hospital nearby.